Friday, January 1, 2016

So.... I just turned 50 a little over a month ago. Still thinking about how I feel on that subject. Anyway, I have realized a few things that come with it.

One, the discounts. When I first opened the mailbox at the post office and saw the invitation to join the AARP, I'll admit, I was a little upset. To me this was sort of a final way of saying I'm old. I'm finally there. When I showed it to my husband, he got excited. Anything to save a buck for him and this was no different. Ok, so I guess if getting older is inevitable, may as well take advantage of the perks that come with it.

Two, gray hair. I'll admit, my hair started graying early on in my life but I kept convincing myself that I should dye it. Maybe subconsciously I was just trying to keep myself from growing older. Whatever the reason, it didn't work and I found it was more trouble than it was worth. So, several months ago I did away with the hair dyes and started rocking the gray hair. My kids informed me that its the 'in' thing now and people are actually dying their hair gray. Who'd a thought it, I was cool and didn't even realize it. Whats so neat about mine is the natural shades, streaks and highlights. No hair dye can do that!

Three, health. OK, this one can go either way. On one hand, I have a good excuse for not being able to run around like an idiot making a fool of myself. I can use age and mother nature as an excuse. On the other hand, my body doesn't heal like it used to and I'm constantly finding all sorts of  'things' wrong with the old body. Seems like every day something new hurts, pops, growls, itches, burns, tingles or just shows up or doesn't work any longer.

Another thing I've noticed about getting older is sleep patterns are so inconsistent. My husband works at night so I try to keep the same schedule as him so we can spend time together. The trouble is, When he's off, he sleeps at night and I can't adjust my body to do that. He can sleep anytime, anywhere though. It drives me nuts. We can be sitting on the sofa watching a movie that he picked and I look over n he is fast asleep. If its a football game or race you can bet your ass he's awake the entire time though. When I ask him if he's ready for bed, he's asleep within 5 minutes. I'm still getting situated, letting the body relax, slowing the mind down and he's already wrapped up in a cocoon in his blankets snoring hard. JUST HOW?? and why can't I do that?

So. here it is the 2nd day of the new year and as I'm sitting here listening to my dear husband saw zzz's, I've decided to embrace 50 and stop looking back! Happy New Year everyone!!

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